On Poetry and Culture Shock

List poem (an homage to Sei Shonagon)

I once told you about list poems ; they're easy to write but it's hard to make a good one. Sei Shonagon, queen of the list poem, had a list of things that improve on a painting; this is a little homage to her.

Things that look good on a photograph.

Other people on the act of taking a photograph.
Flowers, especially if their colours are bright.
The ground through shallow water.


Una vez puse un post sobre poemas en forma de lista; esa clase de poema es fácil de escribir, pero es difícil que queden muy bien. Sei Shonagon, la reina del poema-lista, escribió entre otras la lista de cosas que mejoran cuando se pintan (en un cuadro). Y este es un pequeñísimo homenaje a esta autora, más un boceto que un verdadero poema.

Cosas que quedan muy bien en foto.

Otras personas en el momento en que hacen una foto.
Flores, sobre todo si son de colores brillantes.
El fondo, bajo la superficie de agua poco profunda.

1 comentario

Juliet Wilson -

HI Nia, List poems are like you say, difficult to get right! I like this one, but sense it could become longer? I've set up a new poetry blog to include other people's poetry. I'd be delighted if you want to send me some (up to 6) poems to consider, they should be short enough to fit in the computer screen, should not have been published within the past 6 months (but if they were published before that, just let me know where). I'll happily take poems in Spanish but will need the English translation as well! All contributors will get a link to their blog in the sidebar as well as in the post relating to their poem(s). I can't pay anything of course and can't as yet promise fame either! More info at I look forward to reading your poems! Best wishes