On Poetry and Culture Shock

List Poems

Different cultures have different types of list poems. I have seen long series of verses, free verse, and even sonnets that were simply lists. The easiest list-poem is the imitation of Sei Shonagon’s lists: Sei Shonagon was a lady at the court of a Japanese emperor, and she wrote short sketches of court life, together with lists. For example,  “Things that always seem to be dirty”; “things that look better on a painting”. I have a few of those, and this is the only one that’s not erotic. It's not realy a poem, more like the seed of one.

Cosas que me causan una profunda sensación de nostalgia:
Que un hombre que conozco de toda la vida se afeite. De repente su piel tiene el mismo tacto que hace quince años.
Un parque con hiedra y helechos en vez de césped.
El rock español de los 80.
Un día gris, muy gris, sobre todo si no hace frío.

Things that make me feel very nostalgic:
A man that I have known all my life when he shaves. Suddenly his skin feels like it did fifteen years ago.
A park with ivy or ferns instead of grass.
Spanish rock music from the eighties.
A very grey day, especially if it’s not cold.

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