On Poetry and Culture Shock


Saudade is a Portuguese term which means, roughly, "homesickness of what never was; longing for what never will be". I find it very fitting because it's odd to say that I'm homesick of places that were never home.

The first haiku is Alan Spence's. The second is mine. It's a work in progress, I'm not completely happy with the rhythm nor with the Spanish translation. It's a true anecdote, and I composed it while stuck in a traffic jam.

400 miles from my friends
the apples they gave me
for the journey

A 500 kilómetros de mis amigos,
las manzanas que me dieron
para el viaje.

Morning e-mail!
Photos of red leaves
from an American friend.

El e-mail de hoy:
fotos de hojas rojas
de un amigo americano.

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