On Poetry and Culture Shock

Translation and adaptation 4

Cream on my coffee.
Silver on his hands.
Who could give him all those rings?

Nata en mi café
Plata en sus manos.
¿Quién le habrá regalado todos esos anillos?

Venga, dímelo,
¿quién te regaló
todos esos anillos?

I’ll tell you a secret. I knew this guy that I didn’t fancy, the typical one that makes you think, yes, he IS cute, but he’s just not your style. He was very suntanned (not naturally dark: tanned) and he wore chunky silver rings. His hands were my muse for a while for poems that had nothing to do with my real feelings for him. At first flirty, I had to make the second Spanish version angry to fit into the cycle.

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