On Poetry and Culture Shock

Coffee or something

It was only a matter of time until the haikus blended with the culture shock and I started to write comedy of manners in verse. Wow.

Killed by your beauty,
Little tag hanging from my lips:
Coffee “or something”?

Tu belleza me ha matado.
Una etiquetita cuelga ahora de mis labios,
Y dice “Quedamos para tomar café, o algo?”

“Would you like us to go out some time?” is a date. “Would you like to go out for a coffee?” might be a date or might be friends going out together.

“D’you wanna g’ out for a coffee or s’mthin’?” is the last resource of the too shy to ask for a date, too impatient to wait to be asked, and too nervous to get a sentence straight without a tag hanging from it. I sincerely believe that asking people for a “coffee or something” brings bad luck.

I’d love to have an illustration for this one, something like a dead body lying on an autopsy table or a morgue with a sheet up to the shoulders and a tag hanging from the mouth instead of from a toe. Wow, I can be morbid sometimes.

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