On Poetry and Culture Shock


Mi bar favorito, de momento, es uno modelno que tiene enormes pufs en vez de sillas y música variada que tiende a quedarse en el lado triste y oscuro de las cosas. Se supone que es un bar para lesbianas. Hay exhibiciones de arte de vez en cuando (ayer tenían cuadros abstractos y en un año no he visto allí ni uno solo que me guste). A veces tienen tartas por la tarde y las camareras de los piercings (una con rastas, la otra rapada) no te miran raro si pides un poleomenta en mitad de la noche.

"Llevo así un mes".
La niña de los piercings
Es toda ojeras.


My currently favourite bar is a trendy place with huge cushions as the only place to sit and really varied music which tends to be on the dark sad side of things. It's supposed to be a lesbian bar. There are periodical art exhibitions (yesterday they had abstract paintings and in the year I've know the place, I haven't seen one paint I really liked). Sometimes they have cakes in the afternoon and a waitress with dreadlocks with and six or seven face piercings won't look down on you if you order mint tea at midnight. This is an ellaboration on something I overheard yesterday.

"I've been like this for a month"
The multipierced waitress
has grey bags under her eyes.



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