On Poetry and Culture Shock

Deaf poetry

I have just made a puzzling discovery: sign language poetry. To understand the concept, you have to know first that sign languages, the languages of deaf people, are exactly as complex as oral languages. They are not "translations" of oral languages, although they do have signs that represent the letters. They are not a system of spelling with your fingers because then it would take forever to express a message. Instead, each sign can express complete meanings, and the grammar rules are complex. There are more movements that just the hand: for example, one of the things that you have to do to ask a question in American Sign Language is raising your eyebrows. I have seen a movie in which a very angry deaf man "shouted" by making his signs very big and very fast. 

Now. I have found out that there is sign language poetry. It uses the same artistic devices that oral languages do. The phonic ones, like rhyme and rhythm, and of course the semantic ones, like metaphor. But they have devices of their own, like fusing several sign (words) in one in order to make an expressive connection. In the best online essay I have found, an example was made with the fusion of FLAG and DEATH. Clever. And maybe evidence that it is Art: untranslatable. 

Go ahead and do a youtube search of sign language poetry. There isn't a lot that non-signing people can understand, and what we understand with intuition is boring and basic, but still, it is worth a watch.


Acabo de hacer un descubrimiento sorprendente: poesía sorda. Para entender esta idea, hay que saber que los lenguages de signos, los que usan los sordos, son tan complejos como los orales. No son "traducciones" de las lenguas orales, ni una especie de deletreo, porque eso haría que en decir cualquier cosa se tardara mucho tiempo. En vez de eso, cada signo puede expresar una idea entera, o varias, y las reglas gramaticales son complejas. Por ejemplo, en Lengua de Signos Americana, una de las cosas que hay que hacer para preguntar es fruncir el ceño, levantar las cejas. Vi en una película que un sordo enfadado "gritaba" haciendo los signos grandes y rápidos. 

Vale. Ahora resulta que me entero de que existe poesía en lengua de signos. Es normal: todos los idiomas tienen formas de poesía, y de juego. La poesía de signos usa los mismos recursos estilísticos que la que usa palabras, incluyendo recursos de ritmo y rima, y semánticos como la metáfora, e incluso otros que no tienen equivalente sonoro como fundir varios signos en uno solo. 

Recomiendo hace una búsqueda en youtube de "sign language poetry", o "deaf poetry", y mirar a ver qué sale. En realidad, lo poco que se entiende a base de intuición es bastante pobre, pero merece la pena hacer el intento aunque sólo sea por curiosidad.




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