On Poetry and Culture Shock

Happy Blogday

Today is Blogday, because 31-08 is written more or less like BLOg. Whoever had the idea said that the best way to celebrate it is to link to five small or new blogs that you wouldn't normally read. I'm cheating and I'm stealing some poetry recommendations, posted in the relevant language:

Bondbloke is a collaborator of your friendly local Crafty Green Poet,

just like the lovely Anna Piutti ,

And a river poet that I think I'll read in the future. Looks clever.

Count your Sheep is not a blog but a cartoon, but since I love it and it posts daily, I recommend it.

No sé si este blog está abandonado, pero merece la pena ver los archivos: una Colección de Besos.

1 comentario

Osvid -

Hola! Di por casualidad con tu web, buscando blogs dedicados al haiku (llevo un blog sobre el haiku, Enhorabuena, tienes unos contenidos excelentes, si quieres que te haga una reseña desde mi web, o publicar algunos de tus haikus en ella, dímelo. Un saludo, Óscar D.