On Poetry and Culture Shock

Nacho Duato on talent and expression

I adore Nacho Duato, the director and main choreographer of one of Spain's Nationall Ballet Companies. He is in charge of the one that does modern dance. After decades of experience he is beyond trying to please anyone; today he's been interviewed in El Pais and as usual he says interesting things about art and how to express it. I can't link to the original interview because it works by subscription.

P. Entonces, ese talento natural no basta...

R. No. El talento te lo tienes que buscar. Cuando vivía en Holanda, mis amigos se iban de discotecas cada fin de semana. Yo me quedaba estudiando. También iba a las discotecas, claro, pero menos. Los bailarines dejamos los estudios muy pronto y por eso tenemos que esforzarnos mucho más. Tenemos que prepararnos. Quizá tengo talento para la danza, pero lo más importante es que ese talento no se te escape. A veces es preferible la convicción al talento.

Q: So, natural talent is not enough...

A: No, it's not. Your talent is something you have to look for. When I was living in the Netherlands, my friends went clubbing every weekend. I stayed at home and studied. I went o the discos, of course, but not often. Dancers have to give up their studies soon and that's why we should work a lot harder. We have to get ready. I might have natural talent for dancing, but the most important thing is not letting that talent slip away from you. Sometimes, conviction is better than talent.

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Carboanion -

¿Pero no habia dicho Einstein ya que todo es un 1% de genio y un 99% de trabajo?