On Poetry and Culture Shock

Orange blossom at the wrong time.

A haiku on global warming that I composed (in Spanish) as I was driving home one evening last week. That afternoon, I smelled orange blossom that I could not see. This is, of course, dedicated to Crafty Green Poet, who is behind all of my poems with an environmental concern. ç



You can't see the orange blossoms

As you drive. 



Un haiku acerca del efecto invernadero que compuse mientras conducía camino de mi casa. Esa tarde me preocupé al oler azahares. Y por supuesto, está dedicado a Craft GReen Poet, que es la inspiración de todos mis poemas sobre temas ecológicos.



Desde tu coche no ves

Los azahares.

1 comentario

Crafty Green Poet -

Hi Nia, lovely haiku, thanks for the dedication!