On Poetry and Culture Shock

If I was....

No poetry today. This is not a personal, diary-type blog, but this questionnaire in Suskiin's blog is amusing.

If I was....

* A month, I'd be December. Because my birthday, and my favourite Holiday, which is Christmas, are near the end of the month.
* A day, I´d be Tuesday, or the day two days after a holiday. Full of energy and activity, but without the slowness and sadness of Mondays.
* A time of day, I´d be lunchtime. No doubt about it.
* A planet, I´d be Jupiter. A failed star.
* an animal, I´de be a tiger when I want to be alone and a penguin when I need lots of people around me.
* a piece of furniture, I´de be a bed. The bed of someone who likes to read and eat and talk on the phone in bed, a bed that doubles as sofa in the rare occasions noone lies down under the covers.
* a liquid I´d be... tea. Darjeeling, preferably.
* a musical instrument, I'd be hopefully a tabla or similar. A North-African percussion instrument.
* a feeling I'd be impatience.
* a food or meal I'd be curry with fruit in it. So much chili it makes you cry but enough sweetness to be nice. I hope.
* a number, I'd be 17. the number of syllables in a haiku.
* a body part, I´d be the tongue.
* a scent, I´d be cinammon.
* a geometrical shape, I'd be an oval.
* a country, I'd be... phew, no idea. Spain most likely.
* A poet, I'd be... I am a poet already.
* a movie, I'd be The Age of Innocence. I have never been in a love triangle like that, but my life feels a lot like that movie.
* somebody else I'd be... who knows?
* a plant or flower I'd be... something with red flowers. Hibiscus, maybe.

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