On Poetry and Culture Shock


You know how it is: 3108, with a bit of imagination, looks like the word "BlOg". We are asked to recommend five good blogs, the smaller the better. In my case it's hard if I want to keep this blog on-topic. The easiest thing would be to pick random links from Poetry Thursday. I will direct you to some writing-prompts blogs, as in them you can find hundreds of other poets. Shamelessly nicked from a certain Crafty Green Poet I know.

Monday: prompts for haiku in One Deep Breath.

Friday: Suggestions to design cards in Daring Cardmakers.

Sunday: writing prompts at Sunday Scribblings.  

(I was going to recommend Poetry Thursday too, but it has just died). 

What about the Culture Shock? You can read Barbara's Blog (warning: if you're European it will make you feel very smug of our Welfare State) or Rozonda's Tarot Blog, which is in Spanish but has an automatic English translation function. 


Hoy es el "BlogDay", un día en el que se recomienda enlazar a cinco blogs pequeños o poco conocidos. Todos los enlaces de arriba llevan a blogs en inglés, excepto el último, de Tarot, que está en español.

Si queréis recomendaciones en español, están en Sólo Cuando Bailo .

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