On Poetry and Culture Shock

Poems for Martin

Specially for Martin, a poem out of the Glasgow Cycle, another one from Birds for all Seasons and another one from the Song for a River North to South. I will post the first two cycles sometime soon.

Sun coming through my eyelids,
Glaswegian kiss
As I lie on the grass.

El sol me atraviesa los párpados,
beso en Glasgow
tumbada en la hierba.

Swallows flying high.
Summer trickles down my back.
No one cools me down.

Las golondrinas vuelan alto.
El verano me gotea espalda abajo.
Nadie me relaja.

Los siete puentes
abrazando la ciudad,
a todos nosotros.

Our seven bridges
Hugging the city,
hugging us all.

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