A little announcement here. I'm very conservative with the right margin of the blog; now that there are a few changes here is a comment on it. So that you know why I link what I link.
First blogs, then useful things, then my other sites. If you are frustrated by the mixing of languages, don't worry, that is the way it is supposed to be. Comments in English for sites in English, and in Spanish for sites in Spanish.
Gapingvoid started as a cartoon website. Then it became a cartoon blog. Then it slowly became a marketing blog that sometimes posts cartoons. Its creator has some good ideas about making creativity compatible with making money.
La Vidriera Irrespetuosa es el blog de Zifra (se hace llamar como el personaje de Matrix). Es temático, más o menos; me interesa cuando habla de política, de educación laica, y de chistes frikis.
Carboanion es amiga mía. Se supone que su blog no es temático; habla de literatura, de manga, y de cosas que le sorprenden o le molestan.
Neil Gaiman is a wonderful writer. The function of his blog is to keep his fans informed of what is going on in his professional life; the blog is only a section inside his personal site, which has plenty of information about his books.
Eduardo Haro Tecglen pone todas sus columnas de prensa juntas en un blog. Aquí no hay nada que no se pueda leer en los periódicos.
Knickers in a knot is a very new blog about American politics, with an emphasis in feminism, reproductory rights, and education.
La Teatral es un portal con información y recursos sobre teatro, ya sea en España o en español. Creada por los organizadores de la
Feria La Teatral de teatro de calle (no os la perdáis).
I don't want to have more than one link about Middle Eastern dance. It is next to impossible to find websites that are more informative than promotional.
Morocco´s site is the closest I have found to a sit that explains what "bellydance" is, instead of just trying to sell you classes or DVDs. And I've had the privilege of seeing her lecture, teach, and dance, so I can efinitely recommend anything that comes with her name on it.
My Amazon Wish List once made a complete stranger give me a book she no longer wanted, so I like to keep it visible. You never know. My birthday is in December.
Nia's Jewelry is more a shop window than a shop. Now with photographs of some lovely Cornellians wearing my earrings, to give a better idea of how everything looks. My thanks to the models.